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RFC 1461:
SNMP MIB extension for Multiprotocol Interconnect over X


Network Working Group                                          D. Throop
Request for Comments: 1461                      Data General Corporation
                                                                May 1993

      SNMP MIB extension for Multiprotocol Interconnect over X.25

Status of this Memo

   This RFC specifies an IAB standards track protocol for the Internet
   community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.
   Please refer to the current edition of the "IAB Official Protocol
   Standards" for the standardization state and status of this protocol.
   Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


   This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB)
   for use with network management protocols in TCP/IP-based internets.
   In particular, it defines objects for managing Multiprotocol
   Interconnect (including IP) traffic carried over X.25.  The objects
   defined here, along with the objects in the "SNMP MIB extension for
   the Packet Layer of X.25"[8], "SNMP MIB extension for LAPB"[7], and
   the "Definitions of Managed Objects for RS-232-like Hardware Devices"
   [6], combine to allow management of the traffic over an X.25 protocol

Table of Contents

   1. The Network Management Framework .........................    1
   2. Objects ..................................................    2
   2.1 Format of Definitions ...................................    2
   3. Overview .................................................    3
   3.1 Scope ...................................................    3
   3.2 Structure of MIB objects ................................    3
   4. Definitions ..............................................    4
   5. Acknowledgements .........................................   19
   6. References ...............................................   20
   7. Security Considerations ...................................  21
   8. Author's Address .........................................   21

1.  The Network Management Framework

   The Internet-standard Network Management Framework consists of three
   components.  These components give the rules for defining objects,
   the definitions of objects, and the protocol for manipulating

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RFC 1461        Multiprotocol Interconnect on X.25 MIB          May 1993

   The network management framework structures objects in an abstract
   information tree. The branches of the tree name objects and the
   leaves of the tree contain the values manipulated to effect
   management. This tree is called the Management Information Base or
   MIB. The concepts of this tree are given in STD 16, RFC 1155, "The
   Structure of Management Information" or SMI [1]. The SMI defines the
   trunk of the tree and the types of objects used when defining the
   leaves. STD 16, RFC 1212, "Towards Concise MIB Definitions" [3],
   defines a more concise description mechanism that preserves all the
   principals of the SMI.

   The core MIB definitions for the Internet suite of protocols can be
   found in STD 17, RFC 1213 [4], "Management Information Base for
   Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets".

   STD 15, RFC 1157 [2] defines the SNMP protocol itself. The protocol
   defines how to manipulate the objects in a remote MIB.

   The tree structure of the MIB allows new objects to be defined for
   the purpose of experimentation and evaluation.

2.  Objects

   The definition of an object in the MIB requires an object name and
   type.  Object names and types are defined using the subset of
   Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) [5] defined in the SMI [1].
   Objects are named using ASN.1 object identifiers, administratively
   assigned names, to specify object types.  The object name, together
   with an optional object instance, uniquely identifies a specific
   instance of an object.  For human convenience, we often use a textual
   string, termed the descriptor, to refer to objects.

   Objects also have a syntax that defines the abstract data structure
   corresponding to that object type.  The ASN.1 language [5] provides
   the primitives used for this purpose.  The SMI [1] purposely
   restricts the ASN.1 constructs which may be used for simplicity and
   ease of implementation.

2.1.  Format of Definitions

   Section 4 contains the specification of all object types contained in
   this MIB module.  The object types are defined using the conventions
   defined in the SMI, as amended by the extensions specified in
   "Towards Concise MIB Definitions" [3].

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3.  Overview

3.1.  Scope

   Instances of the objects defined below provide management information
   for Multiprotocol Interconnect traffic on X.25 as defined in RFC 1356
   [9].  That RFC describes how X.25 can be used to exchange IP or
   network level protocols. The multiprotocol packets (IP, CLNP, ES-IS,
   or SNAP) are encapsulated in X.25 frames for transmission between
   nodes.  All nodes that implement RFC 1356 must implement this MIB.

   The objects in this MIB apply to the software in the node that
   manages X.25 connections and performs the protocol encapsulation.  A
   node in this usage maybe the end node source or destination host for
   the packet, or it may be a router or bridge responsible for
   forwarding the packet.  Since RFC 1356 requires X.25, nodes that
   implement RFC 1356 must also implement the X.25 MIB, RFC 1382.

   This MIB only applies to Multiprotocol Interconnect over X.25
   service. It does not apply to other software that may also use X.25
   (for example PAD).  Thus the presence, absence, or operation of such
   software will not directly affect any of these objects.  (However
   connections in use by that software will appear in the X.25 MIB).

3.2.  Structure of MIB objects

   The objects of this MIB are organized into three tables:  the
   mioxPleTable, the mioxPeerTable, and the mioxPeerEncTable.  All
   objects in all tables are mandatory for conformance with this MIB.

   The mioxPleTable defines information relative to an interface used to
   carry Multiprotocol Interconnect traffic over X.25.  Such interfaces
   are identified by an ifType object in the Internet-standard MIB [4]
   of ddn-x25 or rfc877-x25.  Interfaces of type ddn-x25 have a self
   contained algorithm for translating between IP addresses and X.121
   addresses.  Interfaces of type rfc877-x25 do not have such an
   algorithm.  Note that not all X.25 Interfaces will be used to carry
   Multiprotocol Interconnect traffic. Those interfaces not carrying
   such traffic will not have entries in the mioxPleTable.  The entries
   in the mioxPleTable are only for interfaces that do carry
   Multiprotocol Interconnect traffic over X.25.  Entries in the
   mioxPleTable are indexed by ifIndex to make it easy to find the
   mioxPleTable entry for an interface.

   The mioxPeerTable contains information needed to contact an X.25 Peer
   to exchange packets.  This includes information such as the X.121
   address of the peer and a pointer to the X.25 call parameters needed
   to place the call.  The instance identifiers used for the objects in

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   this table are independent of any interface or other tables defined
   outside this MIB.  This table contains the ifIndex value of the X.25
   interface to use to call a peer.

   The mioxPeerEncTable contains information about the encapsulation
   type used to communicate with a peer.  This table is an extension of
   the mioxPeerTable in its instance identification. Each entry in the
   mioxPeerTable may have zero or more entries in this table.  This
   table will not have any entries that do not have correspondent
   entries in mioxPeerTable.

4.  Definitions


                          FROM RFC1155-SMI
                          FROM RFC-1212
                  DisplayString, transmission,
                          FROM RFC1213-MIB
                          FROM RFC1316-MIB
                          FROM RFC1382-MIB
                          FROM RFC1381-MIB;

                          -- IP over X.25 MIB

          miox    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { transmission 38 }

          mioxPle         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { miox 1 }
          mioxPeer        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { miox 2 }

          -- ###########################################################
          --              Ple Table
          -- ###########################################################

          -- Systems that implement RFC 1356 must also implement
          -- all objects in this group.

          mioxPleTable    OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF MioxPleEntry

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                  ACCESS  not-accessible
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "This table contains information relative to
                          an interface to an X.25 Packet Level Entity
                  ::= { mioxPle 1   }

          mioxPleEntry    OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  MioxPleEntry
                  ACCESS  not-accessible
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "These objects manage the encapsulation of
                          other protocols within X.25."
                  INDEX { ifIndex }
                  ::= { mioxPleTable 1 }

          MioxPleEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                          OCTET STRING,

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          mioxPleMaxCircuits OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..2147483647)
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The maximum number of X.25 circuits that
                          can be open at one time for this interface.
                          A value of zero indicates the interface will
                          not allow any additional circuits (as it may
                          soon be shutdown).  A value of 2147483647
                          allows an unlimited number of circuits."
                  ::= { mioxPleEntry 1 }

          mioxPleRefusedConnections OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  Counter
                  ACCESS  read-only
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The number of X.25 calls from a remote
                          systems to this system that were cleared by
                          this system.  The interface instance should
                          identify the X.25 interface the call came in
                  ::= { mioxPleEntry 2 }

          mioxPleEnAddrToX121LkupFlrs OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  Counter
                  ACCESS  read-only
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The number of times a translation from an
                          Encapsulated Address to an X.121 address
                          failed to find a corresponding X.121
                          address.  Encapsulated addresses can be
                          looked up in the mioxPeerTable or translated
                          via an algorithm as for the DDN.  Addresses
                          that are successfully recognized do not
                          increment this counter.  Addresses that are
                          not recognized (reflecting an abnormal
                          packet delivery condition) increment this

                          If an address translation fails, it may be

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                          difficult to determine which PLE entry
                          should count the failure.  In such cases the
                          first likely entry in this table should be
                          selected.  Agents should record the failure
                          even if they are unsure which PLE should be
                          associated with the failure."
                  ::= { mioxPleEntry 3 }

          mioxPleLastFailedEnAddr OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  OCTET STRING (SIZE(2..128))
                  ACCESS  read-only
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The last Encapsulated address that failed
                          to find a corresponding X.121 address and
                          caused mioxPleEnAddrToX121LkupFlrs to be
                          incremented.  The first octet of this object
                          contains the encapsulation type, the
                          remaining octets contain the address of that
                          type that failed.  Thus for an IP address,
                          the length will be five octets, the first
                          octet will contain 204 (hex CC), and the
                          last four octets will contain the IP
                          address.  For a snap encapsulation, the
                          first byte would be 128 (hex 80) and the
                          rest of the octet string would have the snap
                  ::= { mioxPleEntry 4 }

          mioxPleEnAddrToX121LkupFlrTime OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  TimeTicks
                  ACCESS  read-only
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The most recent value of sysUpTime when the
                          translation from an Encapsulated Address to
                          X.121 address failed to find a corresponding
                          X.121 address."
                  ::= { mioxPleEntry 5 }

          mioxPleX121ToEnAddrLkupFlrs OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  Counter
                  ACCESS  read-only
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The number of times the translation from an
                          X.121 address to an Encapsulated Address

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                          failed to find a corresponding Encapsulated
                          Address.  Addresses successfully recognized
                          by an algorithm do not increment this
                          counter.  This counter reflects the number
                          of times call acceptance encountered the
                          abnormal condition of not recognizing the
                  ::= { mioxPleEntry 6 }

          mioxPleLastFailedX121Address OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  X121Address
                  ACCESS  read-only
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The last X.121 address that caused
                          mioxPleX121ToEnAddrLkupFlrs to increase."
                  ::= { mioxPleEntry 7 }

          mioxPleX121ToEnAddrLkupFlrTime OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  TimeTicks
                  ACCESS  read-only
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The most recent value of sysUpTime when the
                          translation from an X.121 address to an
                          Encapsulated Address failed to find a
                          corresponding Encapsulated Address."
                  ::= { mioxPleEntry 8 }

          mioxPleQbitFailures OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  Counter
                  ACCESS  read-only
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The number of times a connection was closed
                          because of a Q-bit failure."
                  ::= { mioxPleEntry 9 }

          mioxPleQbitFailureRemoteAddress OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  X121Address
                  ACCESS  read-only
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The remote address of the most recent
                          (last) connection that was closed because of
                          a Q-bit failure."
                  ::= { mioxPleEntry 10 }

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          mioxPleQbitFailureTime OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  TimeTicks
                  ACCESS  read-only
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The most recent value of sysUpTime when a
                          connection was closed because of a Q-bit
                          failure.  This will also be the last time
                          that mioxPleQbitFailures was incremented."
                  ::= { mioxPleEntry 11 }

          mioxPleMinimumOpenTimer OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The minimum time in milliseconds this
                          interface will keep a connection open before
                          allowing it to be closed.  A value of zero
                          indicates no timer."
                  DEFVAL { 0 }
                  ::= { mioxPleEntry 12 }

          mioxPleInactivityTimer OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The amount of time time in milliseconds
                          this interface will keep an idle connection
                          open before closing it.  A value of
                          2147483647 indicates no timer."
                  DEFVAL { 10000 }
                  ::= { mioxPleEntry 13 }

          mioxPleHoldDownTimer    OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The hold down timer in milliseconds.  This
                          is the minimum amount of time to wait before
                          trying another call to a host that was
                          previously unsuccessful.  A value of
                          2147483647 indicates the host will not be
                  DEFVAL { 0 }
                  ::= { mioxPleEntry 14 }

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          mioxPleCollisionRetryTimer OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The Collision Retry Timer in milliseconds.
                          The time to delay between call attempts when
                          the maximum number of circuits is exceeded
                          in a call attempt."
                  DEFVAL { 0 }
                  ::= { mioxPleEntry 15 }

          mioxPleDefaultPeerId OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  InstancePointer
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "This identifies the instance of the index
                          in the mioxPeerTable for the default
                          parameters to use with this interface.

                          The entry identified by this object may have
                          a zero length Encapsulation address and a
                          zero length X.121 address.

                          These default parameters are used with
                          connections to hosts that do not have
                          entries in the mioxPeerTable.  Such
                          connections occur when using ddn-x25 IP-X.25
                          address mapping or when accepting
                          connections from other hosts not in the

                          The mioxPeerEncTable entry with the same
                          index as the mioxPeerTable entry specifies
                          the call encapsulation types this PLE will
                          accept for peers not in the mioxPeerTable.
                          If the mioxPeerEncTable doesn't contain any
                          entries, this PLE will not accept calls from
                          entries not in the mioxPeerTable."
                  ::= { mioxPleEntry 16 }

          -- ###########################################################
          --              Peer Table
          -- ###########################################################

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          -- Systems that implement RFC 1356 must also implement
          -- all objects in this group.

          mioxPeerTable OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF MioxPeerEntry
                  ACCESS  not-accessible
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "This table contains information about the
                          possible peers this machine may exchange
                          packets with."
                  ::= { mioxPeer 1 }

          mioxPeerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  MioxPeerEntry
                  ACCESS  not-accessible
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "Per peer information."
                  INDEX { mioxPeerIndex   }
                  ::= { mioxPeerTable 1 }

          MioxPeerEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                          OCTET STRING,

          mioxPeerIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  PositiveInteger

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                  ACCESS  read-only
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "An index value that distinguished one entry
                          from another.  This index is independent of
                          any other index."
                  ::= { mioxPeerEntry 1 }

          -- Systems can claim conformance with this MIB without
          -- implementing sets to mioxPeerStatus with a value of
          -- clearCall or makeCall.
          -- All other defined values must be accepted.
          -- Implementors should realize that allowing these values
          -- provides richer management, and implementations
          -- are encouraged to accept these values.
          mioxPeerStatus OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  INTEGER {
                                  valid (1),
                                  createRequest (2),
                                  underCreation (3),
                                  invalid (4),
                                  clearCall (5),
                                  makeCall (6)
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "This reports the status of a peer entry.
                          A value of valid indicates a normal entry
                          that is in use by the agent.  A value of
                          underCreation indicates a newly created
                          entry which isn't yet in use because the
                          creating management station is still setting

                          The value of invalid indicates the entry is
                          no longer in use and the agent is free to
                          delete the entry at any time.  A management
                          station is also free to use an entry in the
                          invalid state.

                          Entries are created by setting a value of
                          createRequest.  Only non-existent or invalid
                          entries can be set to createRequest.  Upon
                          receiving a valid createRequest, the agent
                          will create an entry in the underCreation
                          state.  This object can not be set to a
                          value of underCreation directly, entries can

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RFC 1461        Multiprotocol Interconnect on X.25 MIB          May 1993

                          only be created by setting a value of
                          createRequest.  Entries that exist in other
                          than the invalid state can not be set to

                          Entries with a value of underCreation are
                          not used by the system and the management
                          station can change the values of other
                          objects in the table entry.  Management
                          stations should also remember to configure
                          values in the mioxPeerEncTable with the same
                          peer index value as this peer entry.

                          An entry in the underCreation state can be
                          set to valid or invalid.  Entries in the
                          underCreation state will stay in that state
                          until 1) the agent times them out, 2) they
                          are set to valid, 3) they are set to
                          invalid.  If an agent notices an entry has
                          been in the underCreation state for an
                          abnormally long time, it may decide the
                          management station has failed and invalidate
                          the entry.  A prudent agent will understand
                          that the management station may need to wait
                          for human input and will allow for that
                          possibility in its determination of this
                          abnormally long period.

                          Once a management station has completed all
                          fields of an entry, it will set a value of
                          valid.  This causes the entry to be

                          Entries in the valid state may also be set
                          to makeCall or clearCall to make or clear
                          X.25 calls to the peer.  After such a set
                          request the entry will still be in the valid
                          state.  Setting a value of makeCall causes
                          the agent to initiate an X.25 call request
                          to the peer specified by the entry.  Setting
                          a value of clearCall causes the agent to
                          initiate clearing one X.25 call present to
                          the peer.  Each set request will initiate
                          another call or clear request (up to the
                          maximum allowed); this means that management
                          stations that fail to get a response to a
                          set request should query to see if a call
                          was in fact placed or cleared before

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RFC 1461        Multiprotocol Interconnect on X.25 MIB          May 1993

                          retrying the request.  Entries not in the
                          valid state can not be set to makeCall or

                          The values of makeCall and clearCall provide
                          for circuit control on devices which perform
                          Ethernet Bridging using static circuit
                          assignment without address recognition;
                          other devices which dynamically place calls
                          based on destination addresses may reject
                          such requests.

                          An agent that (re)creates a new entry
                          because of a set with createRequest, should
                          also (re)create a mioxPeerEncTable entry
                          with a mioxPeerEncIndex of 1, and a
                          mioxPeerEncType of 204 (hex CC)."
                  ::= { mioxPeerEntry 2 }

          mioxPeerMaxCircuits OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS    mandatory
                          "The maximum number of X.25 circuits allowed
                          to this peer."
                  DEFVAL { 1 }
                  ::= { mioxPeerEntry 3 }

          mioxPeerIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The value of the ifIndex object for the
                          interface to X.25 to use to call the peer."
                  DEFVAL { 1 }
                  ::= { mioxPeerEntry 4 }

          mioxPeerConnectSeconds OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  Counter
                  ACCESS  read-only
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The number of seconds a call to this peer
                          was active.  This counter will be
                          incremented by one for every second a
                          connection to a peer was open.  If two calls

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                          are open at the same time, one second of
                          elapsed real time will results in two
                          seconds of connect time."
                  ::= { mioxPeerEntry 5 }

          mioxPeerX25CallParamId OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  InstancePointer
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The instance of the index object in the
                          x25CallParmTable from RFC 1382 for the X.25
                          call parameters used to communicate with the
                          remote host.  The well known value {0 0}
                          indicates no call parameters specified."
                  DEFVAL { {0 0} }
                  ::= { mioxPeerEntry 6 }

          mioxPeerEnAddr  OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX    OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128))
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The Encapsulation address of the remote
                          host mapped by this table entry.  A length
                          of zero indicates the remote IP address is
                          unknown or unspecified for use as a PLE

                          The first octet of this object contains the
                          encapsulation type, the remaining octets
                          contain an address of that type.  Thus for
                          an IP address, the length will be five
                          octets, the first octet will contain 204
                          (hex CC), and the last four octets will
                          contain the IP address.  For a snap
                          encapsulation, the first byte would be 128
                          (hex 80) and the rest of the octet string
                          would have the snap header."
                  DEFVAL { ''h }
                  ::= { mioxPeerEntry 7 }

          mioxPeerX121Address OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  X121Address
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The X.25 address of the remote host mapped

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                          by this table entry.  A zero length string
                          indicates the X.25 address is unspecified
                          for use as the PLE default."
                  DEFVAL { ''h }
                  ::= { mioxPeerEntry 8 }

          -- Systems can claim conformance to this MIB without
          -- implementing sets to mioxPeerX25CircuitId.
          -- However systems that use PVCs with RFC1356
          -- are encouraged to implement sets.
          mioxPeerX25CircuitId OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  InstancePointer
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "This object identifies the instance of the
                          index for the X.25 circuit open to the peer
                          mapped by this table entry.  The well known
                          value {0 0} indicates no connection
                          currently active.  For multiple connections,
                          this identifies the index of a multiplexing
                          table entry for the connections.  This can
                          only be written to configure use of PVCs
                          which means the identified circuit table
                          entry for a write must be a PVC."
                  DEFVAL { {0 0} }
                  ::= { mioxPeerEntry 9 }

          mioxPeerDescr   OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "This object returns any identification
                          information about the peer.  An agent may
                          supply the comment information found in the
                          configuration file entry for this peer.  A
                          zero length string indicates no information
                  DEFVAL { ''h }
                  ::= { mioxPeerEntry 10 }

          -- ###########################################################
          --              Peer Encapsulation Table
          -- ###########################################################

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          mioxPeerEncTable OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF MioxPeerEncEntry
                  ACCESS  not-accessible
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "This table contains the list of
                          encapsulations used to communicate with a
                          peer.  This table has two indexes, the first
                          identifies the peer, the second
                          distinguishes encapsulation types.

                          The first index identifies the corresponding
                          entry in the mioxPeerTable.  The second
                          index gives the priority of the different

                          The encapsulation types are ordered in
                          priority order.  For calling a peer, the
                          first entry (mioxPeerEncIndex of 1) is tried
                          first.  If the call doesn't succeed because
                          the remote host clears the call due to
                          incompatible call user data, the next entry
                          in the list is tried.  Each entry is tried
                          until the list is exhausted.

                          For answering a call, the encapsulation type
                          requested by the peer must be found the list
                          or the call will be refused.  If there are
                          no entries in this table for a peer, all
                          call requests from the peer will be refused.

                          Objects in this table can only be set when
                          the mioxPeerStatus object with the same
                          index has a value of underCreation.  When
                          that status object is set to invalid and
                          deleted, the entry in this table with that
                          peer index must also be deleted."
                  ::= { mioxPeer 2 }

          mioxPeerEncEntry OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  MioxPeerEncEntry
                  ACCESS  not-accessible
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "Per connection information."
                  INDEX { mioxPeerIndex, mioxPeerEncIndex}
                  ::= { mioxPeerEncTable 1 }

Throop                                                         [Page 17]

RFC 1461        Multiprotocol Interconnect on X.25 MIB          May 1993

          MioxPeerEncEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

          mioxPeerEncIndex        OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
                  ACCESS  read-only
                  STATUS    mandatory
                          "The second index in the table which
                          distinguishes different encapsulation
                  ::= { mioxPeerEncEntry 1 }

          mioxPeerEncType OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..256)
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The value of the encapsulation type.  For
                          IP encapsulation this will have a value of
                          204 (hex CC).  For SNAP encapsulated
                          packets, this will have a value of 128 (hex
                          80).  For CLNP, ISO 8473, this will have a
                          value of 129 (hex 81).  For ES-ES, ISO 9542,
                          this will have a value of 130 (hex 82).  A
                          value of 197 (hex C5) identifies the Blacker
                          X.25 encapsulation.  A value of 0,
                          identifies the Null encapsulation.

                          This value can only be written when the
                          mioxPeerStatus object with the same
                          mioxPeerIndex has a value of underCreation.
                          Setting this object to a value of 256
                          deletes the entry.  When deleting an entry,
                          all other entries in the mioxPeerEncTable
                          with the same mioxPeerIndex and with an
                          mioxPeerEncIndex higher then the deleted
                          entry, will all have their mioxPeerEncIndex
                          values decremented by one."
                  ::= { mioxPeerEncEntry 2 }

          -- ###########################################################


Throop                                                         [Page 18]

RFC 1461        Multiprotocol Interconnect on X.25 MIB          May 1993

5.  Acknowledgements

   This document was produced by the x25mib working group:

               Fred Baker, ACC
               Art Berggreen, ACC
               Frank Bieser
               Gary Bjerke, Tandem
               Bill Bowman, HP
               Christopher Bucci, Datability
               Charles Carvalho, ACC
               Jeff Case, University of Tennessee at Knoxville
               Angela Chen, HP
               Carson Cheung, BNR
               Tom Daniel, Spider Systems
               Chuck Davin, MIT
               Billy Durham, Honeywell
               Richard Fox, Synoptics
               Doug Geller, Data General
               Herve Goguely, LIR Corp
               Andy Goldthorpe, British-Telecom
               Walter D. Guilarte
               David Gurevich
               Steve Huston, Consultant
               Jon Infante, ICL
               Frank Kastenholz, FTP Software
               Zbigniew Kielczewski, Eicon
               Cheryl Krupezak, Georgia Tech
               Mats Lindstrom, Diab Data AB
               Andrew Malis, BBN
               Evan McGinnis, 3Com
               Gary (G.P.)Mussar, BNR
               Chandy Nilakantan, 3Com
               Randy Pafford, Data General
               Ragnar Paulson, The Software Group Limited
               Dave Perkins, Synoptics
               Walter Pinkarschewsky, DEC
               Karen Quidley, Data General
               Chris Ranch, Novell
               Paul S. Rarey, DHL Systems Inc.
               Jim Roche, Newbridge Research
               Philippe Roger, LIR Corp.
               Timon Sloane
               Mike Shand, DEC
               Brad Steina, Microcom
               Bob Stewart, Xyplex
               Tom Sullivan, Data General
               Rodney Thayer, Sable Technology Corporation

Throop                                                         [Page 19]

RFC 1461        Multiprotocol Interconnect on X.25 MIB          May 1993

               Mark Therieau, Microcom
               Jane Thorn, Data General
               Dean Throop, Data General
               Maurice Turcotte, Racal Datacom
               Mike Zendels, Data General

6.  References

   [1] Rose M., and K. McCloghrie, "Structure and Identification of
       Management Information for TCP/IP-based internets", STD 16, RFC
       1155, Performance Systems International, Hughes LAN Systems, May

   [2] Case, J., Fedor, M., Schoffstall, M., and J. Davin, "Simple
       Network Management Protocol", STD 15, RFC 1157, SNMP Research,
       Performance Systems International, Performance Systems
       International, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, May 1990.

   [3] Rose, M. and K. McCloghrie, Editors, "Towards Concise MIB
       Definitions", STD 16, RFC 1212, Performance Systems
       International, Hughes LAN Systems, March 1991.

   [4] Rose M., Editor, "Management Information Base for Network
       Management of TCP/IP-based internets", STD 17, RFC 1213.
       Performance Systems International, March 1991.

   [5] "Information processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection -
       Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)",
       International Organization for Standardization.  International
       Standard 8824, December, 1987.

   [6] Stewart, B., Editor, "Definitions of Managed Objects for RS-232-
       like Hardware Devices", RFC 1317, Xyplex, Inc., April 1992.

   [7] Throop, D., and F. Baker, "SNMP MIB extension for X.25 LAPB", RFC
       1381, Data General Corporation, Advanced Computer Communications,
       November 1992.

   [8] Throop, D., Editor, "SNMP MIB extension for the X.25 Packet
       Layer", RFC 1382, Data General Corporation, November 1991.

   [9] Malis, A., Robinson, D., and R. Ullmann "Multiprotocol
       Interconnect on X.25 and ISDN in the Packet Mode", RFC 1356, BBN
       Communications, Computervision Systems Integration, Process
       Software Corporation, August 1992.

Throop                                                         [Page 20]

RFC 1461        Multiprotocol Interconnect on X.25 MIB          May 1993

7.  Security Considerations

   Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

8.  Author's Address

   Dean D. Throop
   Data General Corporation
   62 Alexander Dr.
   Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

   Phone: (919) 248-6081
   EMail: throop@dg-rtp.dg.com

Throop                                                         [Page 21]


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